A daily skin routine makes all the difference for healthy skin, but most people skip this important part of their routine, because they think it has to take a gazillion hours – and no one has time for that. This is my simple routine for glowing, healthy skin. Morning: – Cleanse – Apply a highly […]
Guide to Prevent Aging Skin
We all want to age gracefully. As a woman in my fifties, I’ve had to make some adjustments to my skin care, as well as how I live my life, to keep myself looking and feeling younger. Skin cells are the fastest replicating cells in our bodies. Skin cell turnover generally occurs within four weeks, […]
The Food & Acne Connection
We have all heard there is a connection between acne and some of the foods we eat. These foods are not the “cause” of your acne, but they could be making it worse. Salty foods and food high in iodides are common culprits. Eliminating (or reducing) foods with these ingredients can support your journey to […]
Getting Your Acne Under Control
Use a skin care line that’s correct for your skin type. This is super important! If you use the wrong products your skin will not improve much and can even become worse. If a product is too strong, it could irritate and dehydrate your skin, and the acne will continue. Products must be used in […]